Magical Monday Surprise Gift - All our Online Meditation Programs are Free for kind self-less anonymous givers
Feel the magic of self-less service and anonymous giving.
We have started a new initiative which will give you an opportunity to experience the joy of anonymous giving.
We are encouraging people to experience the true joy by giving anonymously.
Every Monday we will also give surprise gifts to any of our random subscribers.
We encourage you to help someone anonymously every Monday.
Get access to all our online meditation programs for Free by participating in this 'self less giving initiative' :
Magical Monday Surprise Gift #MagicalMondaySurprise
Here are some ideas :
- Drop some food near any homeless poor people without telling them and go away.
- Drop some clothes/ blankets for people struggling in winter nights.
- Give anonymous gifts to your friends & family.
- Donate to any non profit organization.
- There is only one condition, if you really want to experience the real joy of giving :
- Stay anonymous & do not let that person know that it was you.
Why we chose Monday for this cause?
Because for most people Monday brings lot of stress, frustration, anger and all types of negative emotions which is not good for their mental health.
Also, collectively it creates a bad vibe for Monday which attracts further negativity.
Hence we want to make Monday full of positivity again which will bring more happiness in your lives and unexpected surprises.
If you liked this idea, please do share with as many people as you can in family WhatsApp groups, Instagram, etc.
- Choose any Monday & help someone anonymously.
- Record a video of this kind act secretly & send it to us.
- We will feature it on our YouTube channel “AhamShoonyam".
- We will give you access to all our online programs for Free.
- We will also give free gifts every Monday to any of our random subscriber.
It gives unparallel joy!
Please share this message with everyone you know and join this initiative.
To donate to our cause please use this link:
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